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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kawan2 Bloggers Yth,

Following superb feedback from participants at the WiMAX Strategies Asia 2009 conference, Beacon Events is pleased to announce the dates for the 2010 event. The 4th Annual WiMAX Strategies Asia Summit will be held on 22-24 November 2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and will once again bring together Asia’s WiMAX operators and the international vendor community for an unmissable three-day event.

Samsung has already confirmed their Senior Sponsorship participation in this event, and we hope you will be able to lend its support to the conference and share your expertise on this important subject.

With an operators-packed speaker line-up the 2010 conference will provide an unmatched forum for sharing business model innovations, showcasing technological advances and debating the future development of broadband wireless access and the WiMAX ecosystem.

The conference programme will explore key developments and opportunities including:

* Evolution of the WiMAX ecosystem and implications for WiMAX business models
* Progress towards the commercialization of 802.16m
* WiMAX licensing opportunities updates
* Marketing and pricing strategies for the WiMAX operator
* Positioning WiMAX to compete in a crowded telecoms and internet market
* Device strategies to gain and retain customers and compete successfully with 3G
* Competition for the 4G Market: TD-LTE - Threat or Opportunity
* Opportunities for WiMAX in industry verticals

Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities
By becoming a sponsor of this conference you will secure prime speaking and branding opportunities at the event, allowing your company to showcase its expertise, products and solutions to key decision-makers in the industry.

Priority on the programme is given to operator speakers and conference sponsors, so we do ask that, as a vendor organization, you confirm your sponsorship and reserve your speaking opportunity.

Click here to download our WiMax Strategies Asia 2010 draft agenda program.

Semoga bermanfaat bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara.


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